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Friday, 6 January 2012

On Windy Days

On windy days
the playground pitches
like a tilted sea
and kids hang on for dear life

On windy days
Children skip about the place,
their coats unzipped for that one gust
while gravity takes a nap

On windy days
teachers band together
like nervous referees,
blowing tired whistles

while ninety fledgling fighters
gleefully ignore them.


  1. This makes me giggle because it perfectly describes the playground. Pitches like a tilted sea..hanging on for dear life. Reminds me of when I used to play on monkey bars. I was a klutz and pitched and tilted more than I would get across those darn things, lol.
    Your blog name makes me think of Stephen King's Bag of Bones. I loved that book.


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